Last Minute Gift Ideas

Five days until Christmas 2020. Are you ready? You are most likely making your list and checking it twice.  Perhaps you’re all set: you’ve shopped, you’ve wrapped and you're ready to go.  Or maybe you’re not quite there yet and [...]


Happy Halloween!

We are just one week away from Hallowen. Looking to make the holiday spooktacular this year? If you’re hosting the neighbors, entertaining your family or even keeping it super low key, we can help make sure you've got all you [...]


Grandparents are Grand

For many of us, grandparents are special people in our lives, loving us unconditionally. They teach us about the past, show us the present, and help prepare us for the future. I have many fond memories of my own grandparents [...]


On the Road

The calendar is rapidly approaching September, which seems a bit hard to believe. This summer has certainly been different, but we’re not quite ready to see it end just yet. Something about the longer days, the lax schedule and the [...]


Welcome, baby!

A new baby is such a beautiful blessing to any family. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first baby or the fourth --all babies are exciting and adorable...and a bit exhausting.  For new parents, adjusting to the reality of a [...]


Back to Basics

When times are uncertain, I find comfort in the familiar, simple things in life: favorite meals, a good book, being outdoors, meaningful conversations and time spent with family.  Right now, there is so much uncertainty in our world and it’s [...]


Summer Fun at Home

Summer is officially here! This year, though, you might be worried that summer will look different than in years past. Swimming pools and water parks are either closed or very slow to reopen. There are cutbacks and cancellations at summer [...]


Flag Day

There is a lot of red, white and blue in the bakery these days.It's not the Fourth of July just yet, but Flag Day is this Sunday, June 14. Flag Day is held June 14 every year to honor our [...]


Let’s Celebrate

Graduations. Weddings. First Communions. Baptisms. Birthday parties. All of these milestone celebrations look very different today.  You want to honor your graduate for their hard work. You want to celebrate with family as a new baby is welcomed into the [...]


Thank You, Teachers

The classroom looks really different compared to just two months ago.  Today, children are learning in the dining room or at the kitchen table or in a corner of the home office that’s been converted into a classroom. Kids are connecting [...]

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