Summer To-Dos: Create a Bucket List

We just celebrated the long Fourth of July weekend. This usually marks the midpoint of summer, which means the longer days, sunny skies and relaxed schedule of this season are flying by.  While it seems to be going quickly, there [...]


Here Come the Holidays

I noticed something this year, and it’s not the way daylight fades earlier to darkness, or how it suddenly feels so bitterly cold. It’s not even how we’ve already seen snowflakes dancing down to earth, falling from the sky. This [...]


Year in Review

With just a couple of days left in 2021, have you made plans to ring in the New Year? Whether you’re hosting a gathering or keeping it low key, we can help with the goodies you need to celebrate! We’ve [...]


Happy Thanksgiving

I know a lot of people are decking the halls already but there’s another holiday tucked in there before Christmas comes: Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is less than a week away, but it feels a bit overlooked this year. That makes me [...]


Easy Does It

There are many, many things to love about summer: long days, warm sunshine, baseball games blue skies, beach vacations, road trips, dinner on the patio, Popsicles...we could just go on and on.  There is just something about the relaxed feel [...]


The Season for Celebrations

There’s a lot on the calendar to celebrate this month -the season for celebrations is beginning-  we’re so excited for all of the upcoming events!  Here at Ashley's Pastries, we're especially eager to be able to celebrate 2021 grads this [...]


Spring has Sprung

Hopefully your body is well adjusted now to daylight saving time because we’re excited that Spring has officially Sprung! Bring on the longer days, warmer weather and fresh start of the new season.  This year, there seems to be a [...]


We Love Oakwood

There’s no place like home and there’s certainly no place like Oakwood! If you haven’t heard the good news, Oakwood is ranked the #1 Best Place to Live in Ohio by the website Niche, which runs rankings, reviews and stats [...]


You Ask, We Answer

We love questions and we get asked a lot of them. Sometimes we get asked the same question again and again. That’s when we know it’s something a lot of you are thinking about.  We've answered some of your questions [...]

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