
News & Updates

From Ashley’s Pastry Shop

Happy Halloween!

We are just one week away from Hallowen. Looking to make the holiday spooktacular this year? If you’re hosting the neighbors, entertaining your family or even keeping it super low [...]

Kindness Counts

You don’t need me to tell you there’s a lot going on in the world right now. If you watch the news or catch the headlines, you’ll find a lot [...]

Thanks, Coach

Think back to a time when you played a sport or played an instrument or took a dance class. Think back to a time when you had a coach that [...]

Lifelong Learning

I’m a firm believer in the saying “You learn something new every day.” This can be true for learning new information in school, mastering a new skill, discovering a new [...]

Treats for a Teacher

In a world of uncertainties right now, there is one thing I know to be true: teachers are working hard. Incredibly hard.  Some are back in the classroom full time, [...]

Grandparents are Grand

For many of us, grandparents are special people in our lives, loving us unconditionally. They teach us about the past, show us the present, and help prepare us for the [...]

On the Road

The calendar is rapidly approaching September, which seems a bit hard to believe. This summer has certainly been different, but we’re not quite ready to see it end just yet. [...]

Welcome, baby!

A new baby is such a beautiful blessing to any family. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first baby or the fourth --all babies are exciting and adorable...and a bit [...]

Great Summer Giveaway

Have you heard the good news? Ashley’s Pastries is doing a fun summer giveaway and there’s still time to enter for your chance to win!  We all know more people [...]

Back to Basics

When times are uncertain, I find comfort in the familiar, simple things in life: favorite meals, a good book, being outdoors, meaningful conversations and time spent with family.  Right now, [...]

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