More than three decades ago our dream was realized when we opened the doors to Ashley’s Pastries. We love baking. We love being a part of and serving this community. We love helping people celebrate the milestones and memorable moments of life. We’re thankful to have been around for so many years and we’re grateful to our customers for coming back again and again. So we like to pay it forward with our Young Bakers Program.
Interested in a career in baking? Come spend the day with us! We allow individuals of any age the chance to have a sneak peek of our day. You can see what goes on behind our doors and get a glimpse into how flour, water, and yeast turn into our tasty works of art.
For young people especially, being interested in baking is great but hands-on experience is a must! Seeing the day-to-day operations of getting products from the very beginning to the tasty end result opens your eyes to the real aspects of the baking world.
At Ashley’s, we believe in providing the next generation of our industry an opportunity to learn. When you’re part of the Young Bakers Program, there is a lot to learn, a lot of ins-and-outs of the bakery business that you might not be aware of. We think it’s important to learn about great customer service, custom orders, and attention to detail – key elements to our bakery that help build a loyal customer base. The first day you observe with us you may not be baking. There’s a lot to learn before you put on your baker’s apron and scale flour. But we believe – we know – it’s so important to allow you the chance to roll up your sleeves and really get to work. It’s a valuable experience to help you if you want to continue down this career path.
There’s also many resources available today and we’d encourage you to look into some of the other offerings around to gain even more experience and knowledge. Local craft stores offer classes and workshops for cookie and cake decorating. Local grocery stores are beginning to offer baking classes geared toward a specific item. Community colleges offer more extensive classes on particular aspects of baking, as well as technical and vocational schools.
For those interested in baking, getting started somewhere, being motivated, curious, and eager to learn goes a long way! We’d love to hear from you and would welcome a chance to show you behind the dough here at Ashley’s. Give us a call so we can schedule a time.