Tomorrow is Father’s Day, and if you haven’t made plans to celebrate dad yet, you still have a little time…and we can help!Father's Day treats

Ashley’s makes it easy to celebrate dad with something sweet. We’re baking up special cakes, cookies and delicious pastries to help celebrate all of the awesome dads out there.

When you think about it, dads are one of our first teachers. They teach us so many valuable things that carry us through life: how to throw a ball, how to change a flat tire, how to check the oil. They teach us how to tie a tie, how to mow the lawn, how to swing a golf club. Dads teach us how to give a firm handshake, how to respect others, and how to believe in ourselves. Dads teach us about hard work, perseverance, and how to stand up for those we love. 

As we grow older, we gain a new perspective and realize all that our parents do for us, and we come to respect them in a different way. We are more appreciative of their efforts, especially if we are now parents ourselves.

This Father’s Day, we hope you take time to let your dad know what he means to you. If you can be with him in person, spend time with him. Take him out to breakfast, have him over for dinner and let him know you are grateful for his presence in your life. 

If you can’t be with your dad, pick up the phone and give him a call so he can hear you say “thank you” and “I love you.”

For those of you who have lost your dad, know this is a day they can still be celebrated, too. Honor their memory by making a favorite meal, picking up their favorite treat from Ashley’s, and sharing with your own family your favorite memories or life lessons from your dad. 

Thank you to all of the dads out there. Thank you for consistently showing up and giving your time, attention and love to your families. Thank you for being present with your children, for playing in the backyard or on the baseball field. Thank you for all of the piggy-back rides, for all those times you put together complicated toys or helped build the massive LEGO sets. 

Thank you for being there to offer guidance and advice through tough times and tricky situations. Thank you for tough love when it was needed. Thank you for your understanding when we made mistakes and your compassion when we were hurting.

Thank you for showing up for your partner, and setting the example for your children about what it means to be a teammate and a supportive spouse in the household. Thank you for doing the “dad” chores, like yard work and car maintenance and thanks for helping to fold the laundry, change the diapers and do the dishes. What you do doesn’t go unnoticed, and you’re setting your children up for success because of your example. 

Today, we say THANK YOU to all of the dads. We hope you feel loved, celebrated and cared for on your special day. And we hope you know how grateful we are to call you dad.

Happy Father’s Day!