It happens every year around this time: a new group of freshmen students move onto campus to begin their college career.
I know a lot of friends and family members who started a new chapter and dropped off their child for his or her first year of college. It may be their oldest child taking that first big step, or their youngest child that is finally leaving the nest, and, in turn, leaving them empty nesters.
Time of transition
This is such an exciting and fun time, but it can also be a bit scary, too. Teenagers are excited to branch out, but may miss the safety and comfort of home. They are ready for independence, but may long for the familiarity of family nearby.
And for parents, it’s that push-pull we deal with at every milestone, like first steps, first day of kindergarten, middle school, high school, etc. There is the glowing happiness it’s happening, coupled with the twinge of sadness that comes with the realization your little one has moved onto the next stage.
A lot of time transitions can be like this, full of contradictory emotions like excitement and uncertainty for the adventure that awaits. Usually, everyone just needs a bit of time to adjust.
That rings true for college students starting anew and those at home – mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandparents, pets – as they learn to adjust to the new way of everyday life.
We all want what’s best for our children and we’re thrilled to watch them soar, even if part of us selfishly may wish for more time…may wish for a longer summer…may wish for a student that chose a school a bit closer to home.
A taste of home
We may not be able to help give more time, or move a student closer, but we can help send them a taste of home. Did you know Ashley’s Pastries offers College Care Packages? We can help deliver sweetness right to their dorm!
We all know how exciting it is to get mail, but when you’re in college, it can totally turn the day around. Imagine sending your student their favorite Ashley’s treats to let them know you’re thinking of them and sending love from afar.
How about a box of cookies to share with new friends?
Donuts are perfect to grab on the way to class…or share with a roommate over a cup of coffee during a late night study session.
How does it work? It’s easy – simply give us a call, let us know what you need, and we take care of the rest!
Celebrate life deliciously
And maybe, mom and dad, you need your own version of a care package. Treat yourself to a yummy bite at the end of the day, as you, too, adjust to your new “normal” of a house that feels slightly emptier, slightly quieter, slightly lonely without your student there day in and day out.
Even if we know the time is coming, are we ever really prepared for it? I don’t know…but I do know that sometimes a glazed croissant is just what I need at the end of a hard day.
That’s one of the things we treasure most about this bakery – helping you celebrate life, ALL of the moments of life, deliciously.