Hi friends! We’re back! I know we’ve been a bit MIA lately, but we were busy stretching the final days of summer and spending some much-needed family time together on vacation.
They say all good things come to an end, and that is definitely the truth about the summer of 2021. It’s been a good one for us, full of sunshine and love and laughter, and we hope you’ve had a good one, too. Now school is starting and it’s time to get back into the routine and rhythm that naturally comes with the school year.
The transition may be hard at first, but that’s where Ashley’s can help!
Celebrate the start
We know it’s not the New Year, but the start of school is still worth celebrating, especially if celebrating involves tasty treats from Ashley’s.
Pick up breakfast from the bakery to give everyone a happy start to their day. A dozen donuts is always a good choice, but we also offer a variety of breakfast pastries, such as danish or delicious scones. Muffins also make a great choice for busy mornings – you can grab one to eat on the go if anyone oversleeps, or you can tuck away in a backpack for a healthier snack option for your students. Pick up a coffee cake and serve with yogurt and fruit for a breakfast option the whole family will enjoy.
You can always give us a call and we can have your treats prepped and packaged for you for easy pickup.
Another way to celebrate is with our special school-themed sugar cookies. Believe us – these cookies taste as good as they look! Slide one into a lunchbox for a surprise treat in the cafeteria or pick up a variety pack to share with your students after dinner, as you talk about their day. They maybe more likely to open up about their new teacher and classmates while they enjoy a tasty treat.
Prepare ahead of time
We know it takes a bit of time to ease back into the school routine, but you can help the process by taking a few steps to make it easier on everyone.
One of the easiest ways to find your rhythm is to prepare ahead of time.
Mornings can be hurried and hectic. Make them a bit easier by packing backpacks and picking out outfits or laying out uniforms the night before. Make sure homework is completed, and have any needed items, like band instruments, library books, gym uniforms, sports equipment or special projects ready to go.
If your student prefers a packed lunch, meal prep can help ease the rush of mornings.Meal prepping on the weekends can go a long way to help with the week ahead. Slice fruits and veggies and pack them in small containers to easily go from the fridge to the lunchbox. If possible, plan a weeknight dinner menu. This makes it easy to pull food from the freezer or narrow down your shopping list.
We all have active families these days, and it often helps to visualize what’s happening in the week ahead. A large calendar or white board will easily display what’s coming up in the days and weeks ahead. This can help to keep everyone on the same page as you adjust to full schedules with school activities, sporting events, and extracurricular activities.
Simple steps to stay healthy
Now more than ever it’s important to follow simple steps to stay healthy. In the rush of life, we may forget some of the critical things to keep our minds and bodies healthy. Remember to drink plenty of water, eat healthy meals and snacks, and try to move and exercise each day. Sometimes a quick walk around the block is all you need to increase your heart rate and boost your mood. Make it a point to create a bedtime routine and stick to it. After all, sleep is essential for our bodies to rest and recover, and to keep our immune systems strong.
Be kind
Perhaps one of the most important things to remember as your family adjusts to new routines, is to be kind. Be kind to yourself as you acclimate to new schedules and as your family works to find its rhythm. Be kind to your children and students as they transition to their new classes, schedules, and perhaps even new school buildings.
Remember, it takes time for new things to become habits, and everyone needs time to transition. Some days will be better than others, and that’s perfectly okay.